Kamran Anvari
Kamran Anvari
Kamran Anvari
Added topic banning because of spam.
Hello, Does any body can help me to say how can we understand for what reason I have been banned? because last week I was banned suddenly for a week and as I know I haven't done any thing wrong.  My activity at site until now was only making
Kamran Anvari
Added topic signal advertising
Hello, Does any body know that the signal providers shown in the first page of the MQL5's site are costloss and by random, or shall be paid a cost by signal providers to be advertised? if yes, how much? best regards
Kamran Anvari
Added topic withdraw limit
Hello, As mentioned for withdraw rules , The maximum withdrawal amount from an account is   500.00 USD   and no more than once a day.  so if a signal provider is earning for example more than 30000 dollar per month in several months